The number of incoming cases at German civil courts has been declining for years [BMJ | Pressemitteilungen | Rückgang der Eingangszahlen bei den Zivilgerichten: Forschungsbericht an das Bundesjustizministerium übergeben]. On 25 April 2023, the Federal Ministry of Justice presented a draft bill [BMJ | Aktuelle Gesetzgebungsverfahren | Gesetz zur Stärkung des Justizstandortes Deutschland durch Einführung von Commercial Courts und der Gerichtssprache Englisch in der Zivilgerichtsbarkeit], which is intended to counteract the declining case numbers by establishing so-called Commercial Chambers and Courts and allowing proceedings to be conducted in English. However, the draft bill appears to be more of a cost-efficient way of implementing the requirements of the coalition agreement than actually increasing the competitiveness of the German civil court system. But let us wait for the coming drafts and discussions in parliament. Our blog already reported on the first key points of the Commercial Courts in February [Globalisation of court proceedings through so-called commercial courts | Advant Beiten (].
According to the draft bill, the following proposals, among others, are to be implemented:
Commercial Courts have certain parallels to arbitration without really being more attractive. The great advantage of arbitration is not so much the choice of any language but rather the expertise of the arbitrators: the parties can determine the arbitrator they consider most suitable. Commercial Courts are a first step towards modernising German civil procedure. However, they do not solve its fundamental problems. The current draft bill already contains some points that reduce the attractiveness of these courts. One example is that the amount in dispute must exceed EUR 1 million. However, the complexity and internationality of proceedings are rarely related to the amount in dispute.