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Dr Dietmar O. Reich is Partner in Hamburg and Brussels and Co-Head of the Competition practice group. He advises his national and international clients on antitrust, merger control and competition issues as well as on mergers and acquisitions transactions. He also has particular experience in state aid and subsidies, compliance, conflict resolution and public procurement law issues.
Dr Dietmar O. Reich studied law at the Universities of Kiel and Lyon (France) and was admitted to the German Bar in 2000. In the same year he joined ADVANT Beiten, after working as an assistant at the Geneva University Law Faculty and a lecturer at the University of Applied Science in Altenholz/Kiel. He further serves as the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Lithuania in North Germany (for Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) and is co-founder of the European Forum for International Mediation and Dialogue.
"The most efficient and creative lawyer I have seen in the last thirty years. He provides quick advice and guides pragmatically and efficiently through all situations, even when breaking new legal ground; he is incredibly creative and I am more than grateful for his expertise."
Lights off (Quotation in "impulse", Nr. 10/2022);
Almost to Be Labelled Foolish (Interview in Märkte der Welt (Markets of the World), No. 010 of 7 March 2019);
At eye level (Quotation in "Der Spiegel", Nr. 42, 13th October 2018);
Introduction into civil law (Springer Gabler Verlag, 5th edition 2016);
Powerful blather-house (Quotation in "Der Spiegel", Nr. 19/2014);
Illegal State Aid for Shipbuilding in Italy - Life Punishes Those Who Delay (EStAL 4/2013, pp. 737 et seq.);
On the Tension Between European and National Law in Case of the Mandatory Allocation of Mixed Municipal Waste to Certain Waste Management Facilities in German Federal States (DÖV 2013, p. 172 et seq., Co-Author Christian Hipp);
Regulatory Supervision vis-à-vis Antitrust Instruments. Unbundling in Accordance with Energy and Cartel Law, in: Implementation of Third Internal Energy Market Package (Conference Proceedings of the Second Bayreuther Energierechtstage 2011, ed. J.Gundel/K.W.Lange, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, p. 39-54);
Introduction into civil law, international private law and European law (Gabler Verlag, 4th edition 2007);
No Level Playing Field for Nuclear Power Reserves? (Comment on the Judgment in Case T-92/02 of January 2006, European State Aid Law 2/2006);
Commentary on Art. 94-97 EC-Treaty (Smit & Herzog on The Law of the European Union, Matthew Bender/LexisNexis [Hrsg.], Vol. 2/2006);
The Supra-Nationality of the EU - Concerning the legal relations between the EU, the EC and the Member States (Europäisches Regierungssystem, V.Neßler/ R.Graf von Westphalen [Publ.], Oldenbourg-Verlag);
Fiscal Reserves for the Disposal and Closure of Nuclear Power Plants in Germany as Subsidies within the meaning of Art. 87(1) EC' (IstR 2005, together with Marcus Helios);
Parallel Import Licences for Pharmaceuticals, Limitations of Parallel Trading pursuant to the German Pharmaceutical Licence Law as Violation of the Free Movements of Goods pursuant to Art. 28 EC-Treaty (EuZW 2002, together with Marcus Helios);
Comment on the Decision of the European Court of Justice Rs. C-482/99 "Stardust", Equity Capital Contribution to Companies through Public Funds (EuZW 2002, p. 474 et seq., together with Marcus Helios);
Comment on the Decision of the European Court of Justice, Rs. C-287/00, Value-Added Tax Duty for Services in the Field of Research/Impact of European Law on National Tax Law (EuZW 2002, p. 537 et seq., together with Marcus Helios);
Criticism Regarding the Restrictive Interpretation of the Expression "Similar Professions" in Terms of Sec. 18 Para. 1 No. 1 Sent. 2 EStG [German Income Tax Act] (BB 2002, p. 2534 et seq., Co-Author Marcus Helios);
Comment on the Decision of the European Court of Justice of November 22, 2001 - Rs. C-53/00 "Ferring SA/Agence centrale des organismes de sécurité sociale - ACOSS", Tax Reliefs for Pharmaceutical Dealers on the Test Bench of the EU Subsidy Law (Pharmarecht 5/2002, p. 174 et seq., together with Marcus Helios);
Comment on the Decision of the European Court of Justice Rs. C-174/00 Kennemer Golf & Country Club/Staatssecretaris van Financien, concerning the Value Added Tax Duty for a Dutch Golf Club (EuZW 2002, together with Marcus Helios);
Comment on the Decision of the European Court of Justice Rs. C-267/00 of March 21, 2002 Commissioners of Customs & Excise/Zoological Society of London, concerning the Value Added Tax Duty for an English Zoo Owner (EuZW 2002, p. 310-311, together with Marcus Helios);
Do Reserves for the Disposal of Nuclear Waste and Shutdown of Nuclear Power Plants in Germany constitute State Aid? (European State Aid Law IV/2002, zus. mit Marcus Helios);
Savings Act has Risks for Patients and Pharmacists - Legislator has not considered Side Effects of the Reform (FAZ April 3, 2002, together with Marcus Helios);
The Public Sector is also liable for its Private Enterprises - Separated Undertaking and Executive Body as Group (FAZ March 10, 2001, together with Dr Michael Fritzsche);
The Public Sector has to re-organize its Interests (FAZ January 17, 2001, together with Dr Michael Fritzsche);
Contents and Limits of Secrecy Protection in Community Law for Lawyers and Tax Consultants - A Contribution to the New Money Laundering Law (Der Steuerberater 4/2001, together with Marcus Helios);
The Community will exceed its Competence with the Envisaged Introduction of a Suspicion Notification Duty for Tax Consultants - Evaluation of the Draft of an Amendment Directive concerning the EC Money Laundering Directive under European Law (EuGRZ 2001, together with Prof. Dr Dr Rainer Hofmann);
Taxation of Commercial Activities of the Public Sector according to the Tax Reduction Act (Betriebsberater 2001, together with Marcus Helios);
The Impact of the European Community Law on the Competences of the German Bundesländer (EurGRZ 2001, p. 1 et seq.);
The Design Agreement (GRUR Int 2001, p. 278);
The Design Agreement (GRUR 2000, p. 956 et seq.);
Rights of the European Parliament in the Past and in the Future (Publications on European Law, volume 62, publ. S. Magiera/D. Merten, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1999);
Petitions to the European Parliament (To Change Policy with Petitions, Reinhard Bockhofer [Publ.], Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 1999);
Introduction to Civil Law (General Part, General and Special Law of Obligations, Property Law, Gabler/Verlag/Bertelsmann-Springer, Lehrbuch-Reihe Wirtschaftsrecht, Wiesbaden, 1st edition 1996; 2nd revised and extended edition 1999, 3rd updated edition extended by the fields of electronic declarations of intent/electronic commerce and an overview pertaining to the impact of European Community Law on German (civil) law 2000, together with Peter Schmitz);
G. Sommer/R. Graf von Westphalen (Publ.), Staatsbürgerlexikon, Oldenbourg-Verlag, Munich 1998;
Global Guarantees under Clause Control and the Prohibition of Validity-Maintaining Recution (NJW 1995, p. 2533-2534, together with Peter Schmitz);
Contents Control of the Formal Obligation under Public Law pursuant to section 84 Aliens Act by Application of the Court Rulings pertaining to the Civil-Law Guarantee Statement pursuant to sections 765 et seq. German Civil Code taking into account the Decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court 89, 214 (Juristen-Zeitung 1995, p. 1102 et seq., together with Peter Schmitz).
Online Conference on the Baltic Sea Region, 11th February 2021.