

    Newsletter International Briefing, May 2020

    Dear reader,


    Welcome to the first edition of our International Briefing for 2020!


    Coronavirus. Almost everything in the first few months of 2020 has revolved around it. The pandemic has forced us from our workplaces into our homes, together with our children whose schools, kindergartens and childcare centres have closed. The global impact of the coronavirus on society and companies is tremendous. In the economic world, employees have been just as affected as customers, suppliers and investors. Numerous legal fields and many industries have faced with new questions and challenges.


    To help you navigate this difficult time, we are bundling answers and information from all fields of law in our Corona Information Centre on our website.


    This edition contains a broad array of topics of interest to international business, with contributions from many of our practice groups, ranging from Corporate and M&A Law to IP/ IT and Labour Law.


    We look at the current German legislative initiatives for tighter controls on investments from non-EU countries, provide updates on the reporting obligations for the German Transparency Register and review the status of Brexit.


    Distressed M&A in Germany – the acquisition of companies out of insolvency – offers opportunities, but also risks. A broad range of legal issues and areas must be considered in such transactions (e.g. insolvency, corporate, labour and tax law issues, and in some cases even antitrust law issues). We highlight and explain a few of the more general legal issues.


    We also delve into the issue of cybersecurity under German law, provide an overview of what needs to be considered with respect to unions and works councils in Germany and, last but not least, give a detailed overview of the current developments concerning sustainability in times of coronavirus.


    We hope that you will find the information provided helpful in your daily business.


    Stay safe!


    Best regards,


    Dr Maximilian Emanuel Elspas


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