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Banking & Finance - Consumer Goods & Services/Retail - Digital, Media & Technology
Dr Corinne Klapper is Partner at the ADVANT Beiten's Munich office and member of the Labour & Employment Law practice group. In addition to advising employers on employment and social law, her practice area includes representing them in court, before authorities such as the Federal Employment Agency, the integration offices or the German Pension Insurance as well as in negotiations with works councils and trade unions. A particular focus of her work is supporting companies in complex legal disputes with individual employees, executives or managing directors. Dr. Corinne Klapper also specialises in global mobility issues. She advises companies on secondments abroad or from abroad to Germany, home office and workation matters, applications for residence permits and other cross-border matters.
Dr Corinne Klapper has been working at ADVANT Beiten since 2008. Her studies, practical legal training and doctoral thesis on a labour law topic previously took Dr Klapper to Marburg, Lausanne (Switzerland), Saarbrücken and Munich, where she began practicing law in 2005 and obtained the title of Labour Law Specialist. Dr Corinne Klapper has received several awards for her achievements. For several years, she has been included in the list of "Best Lawyers in Germany" by the US publishing house Best Lawyers in cooperation with Handelsblatt and recommended for the area of employment law. She became Partner at ADVANT Beiten in 2014.
Support of Works Council by Internal and External Expertise
Dr Corinne Klapper
Verlag Dr. Kovac, Hamburg, 2007 (doctoral thesis)
Effectively delivering notices of termination
Dr Corinne Klapper and Jonas Türkis
in: Bayrisch-Schwäbische Wirtschaft, 4/2022, p. 20
Holidays and Short Time Working
Dr Corinne Klapper and Jasmin Onderscheka
Newsletter of IHK Schwaben dated 4 June 2020
Enterprises as Moralizers
Dr Corinne Klapper
www.lto.de, 6 May 2019
From the More Recent Case-Law of the Federal Labour Court (BAG) on Ecclesiastical Labour Law
Dr Corinne Klapper
schnellbrief 11/2016, p. 85 et seq.
Working on Two Fronts
Dr Corinne Klapper (quotations)
Der Betrieb, no. 35, M 10
Working Longer in Life in Good Health - Work Place Health Promotion is Enhanced
Dr Corinne Klapper
schnellbrief 12/2013, 89
Vacation Claim in Case of Short-Time Work
Dr Corinne Klapper and Dr. Alexius Leuchten
ZESAR 2013, 114
Granted Once - Granted Forever
Dr Corinne Klapper and Dr. Wolfgang Lipinski
HRM.de, 15 July 2009
Clarity in case of mass dismissals?
Corinne Klapper
AuR 2006, p. 255
Voluntariness does not provide security for commitment!
Corinne Klapper
AuR 2005, p. 640
Lectures/Seminars/Online Seminars:
"Mastering the challenges of the labour market despite the flood of regulations - a balancing act?!", participation in a panel discussion with expert contribution on the Immigration Act for Skilled Workers and new legislative proposals as part of the FAZ HR Summit 2023 on 17.11.2023
"Remuneration outside of collective agreements", lecture as part of the further training for specialist lawyers at the Schwetzingen Employment Law Days 2023 on 16.11.2023
"Holiday law 2023 - New developments and current case law", lecture as part of the ADVANT Beiten Q 3/2023 labour law breakfast seminars on 14.09.2023