Dr Sebastian Hartwig is Senior Associate at ADVANT Beiten's Berlin office and member of the Public Sector practice group. His area of activity comprises advice to both contracting authorities and private businesses on national and Europe-wide tender procedures, as well as the representation of clients in review proceedings before complaint boards and higher regional courts. He also focuses on administrative, state aid and subsidy law as well as constitutional law.
Dr Sebastian Hartwig studied law at Humboldt University of Berlin and was admitted to the German Bar in 2021. Prior to joining ADVANT Beiten, he was a Research Associate at Freie Universität Berlin for several years and Visiting Researcher at Harvard Law School (Cambridge, MA) in 2018. Dr Sebastian Hartwig has been working with ADVANT Beiten since 2022.
Dissertation: Dignity between Law and Rhetoric? The Concept of Dignity in the Constitutional Discourse of the United States of America
Sebastian Hartwig
Procedural Protections of Civil Liberties
Sebastian Hartwig
in: Dieter Grimm (ed.), Vorbereiter - Nachbereiter? Studien zum Verhältnis von Verfassungsrechtsprechung und Verfassungsrechtwissenschaft, 2019, p. 261
Legal Actions by the State - Considering the Primacy of Administrative Enforcement of Public Law
Sebastian Hartwig with Jana Himstedt and Nikolas Eisentraut
in: DÖV 2018, p.901
The Second Step of Banning Political Parties - Considering the Consequences of the So-Called Coupling Rule of Matters of Administrative Law
Sebastian Hartwig with Thorsten Siegel
in: NVwZ 2017, p. 590