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Corporate/M&A - Estate Planning & Law of Foundations - Tax Law
Dr Lucas van Randenborgh is Partner at ADVANT Beiten's in Dusseldorf, member of the Practice Group Corporate/M&A as well as Co-Head of the Practice Group Assets, Succession and Foundations. His area of activity comprises company restructuring, mergers & acquisitions, company succession, foundations and tax law. He advises his national and international clients especially with regard to tax expedient structuring of company expansions and restructure measures and disposes of a broad expertise in aspects of company succession especially with regard to corporate, succession and tax law issues.
Dr Lucas van Randenborgh studied law at the Universities of Würzburg, Caen (France) and Kiel (Second Legal State Exam 1990; Dr iur. 1999) and was admitted to the German Bar in 1999. Before joining ADVANT Beiten, he worked with Mannesmann AG, Dusseldorf (1990-1995) and at the law offices of Flick Gocke Schaumburg, Bonn (1995-1998). He has been working with ADVANT Beiten since 1999, as Partner since 2003.
Handbuch der Gemeinnützigkeit (Manual on Non-Profit Organisation Schemes)
Lucas van Randenborgh (Co-Autor)
Stephan Schauhoff (Hrsg.), 2. Aufl. C.H.Beck, 2005
Personengesellschaften (Partnership Companies)
Lucas van Randenborgh (Co-Autor)
Dr Heinrich Sudhoff (Hrsg.), 8. Aufl. C.H.Beck, 2005
Ausgewählte steuerliche Aspekte bei der Unternehmensnachfolge (Selected Tax Aspects of Company Succession [delivered in German]);
Erbschaftsteuerrecht im Überblick (Inheritance Tax Law [delivered in German]);
Unternehmensnachfolge – Herausforderungen für Eigentümer und Management (Company Succession - Challenges for Company Owners and Management [delivered in German]);
GDPdU - Grundsätze zum Datenzugriff und zur Prüfbarkeit digitaler Unterlagen (Principles for the Access on Data and the Verifiability of Digital Data [delivered in German]);
Risiko-Vermeidungsstrategien in der Vermögensnachfolge (Strategies of Risk Avoidance in the Asset Successorship [delivered in German]).
Teaching Assignment:
Dr Lucas van Randenborgh is lecturer at the University Duisburg-Essen / Mercator School of Management.