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Dispute Resolution - Financial Services and Insurance Law - Insolvency Law & Restructuring
Banking & Finance - Consumer Goods & Services/Retail - Private Clients & Foundations
Dr Florian Weichselgärtner is Partner at ADVANT Beiten's Munich office and member of the Litigation & Dispute Resolution practice group. He advises and represents his clients out of court and in court, in arbitration and mediation proceedings. He mainly focuses on commercial law, corporate law and insolvency law, as well as on D&O liability. He also has longstanding expertise regarding large actions for damages and liability proceedings as well as their treatment under insurance law aspects (for example D&O insurance etc.).
Dr Florian Weichselgärtner studied law at the University of Regensburg and was admitted to the German Bar in 2009. He is a trained Commercial Mediator (CVM) and i.a. member of the German Institution of Arbitration (DIS). In 2011 he completed his doctorate. He has been working with ADVANT Beiten since 2009 and became Partner in 2015.
„Wir sind immer außerordentlich zufrieden mit Dr. Florian Weichselgärtner und seinem Team. Die Zusammenarbeit ist äußert professionell, erfolgreich und fair.“
"Florian Weichselgärtner is characterized by excellent legal knowledge, prudent and very service-oriented as well as confident management of mandates."
Manager liability and serial loss clause: New developments in D&O insurance (DisputeResolution, 2/2024, p. 13 et seq., co-author Etienne Sprösser)
Liability in payroll accounting: The problem of the social security status issue (DER BETRIEB, issue 12/2024, p. 715 et seq.)
Contradiction with the Wirecard decision and D&O insurance? (DisputeResolution, 01/2022, p. 14 et seq., co-author Valerie Hoffmann)
BGH vs. Opinion Prevailing in Literature (DisputeResolution, 02/2019, p. 17-19);
Huge Significance for Practice: D&O insurance does not cover payments made contrary to insolvency law pursuant to section 64 German Limited Liability Companies Act, GmbHG (DisputeResolution, 4/2018, p. 20 et seq.);
Caution Should Be Exercised Deutscher Anwaltspiegel, 20/2018, p.13 et seq., co-author Carolin Lang);
Invalidity of Handling Fees for Processing of Commercial Loans (Deutscher Anwaltspiegel, 19/2017, p. 5 et seq., co-author Carolin Lang);
More Legal Certainty for Corporate Practice (DisputeResolution, 03/2016, pp. 17-19);
Conflict Prevention when Rendering Restructuring Advice (Deutscher AnwaltSpiegel, 06/2014, pp. 10-13, co-author Dr Michael L. Ultsch);
EUGH: "Zur Anwendbarkeit der E-Commerce-Richtlinie auf Suchmaschinen" (Adaptability of E-Commerce guidelines as to search engines), MMR-Aktuell, 302563.
Regular publications regarding insolvency matters: e.g. "Zur Wirksamkeit von Aufrechnungsvereinbarungen in der Insolvenz" (Efficiency of compensation agreements in an insolvency) - BAG, 21.01.2010, 6 AZR 593/07 (Newsletter Insolvenzrecht - Forum Institut);
"Zur Anfechtbarkeit von gezahlten Folgeprovisionen" (defeasibility of already remunerated subsequent commissions) - BGH, Beschluss vom 21.12.2010, IX ZR 199/10 (Newsletter Insolvenzrecht - Forum Institut);
"Zur Vermutung des Gläubigerbenachteiligungsvorsatzes nach § 133 Abs. 2 InsO" (Assumption of creditor)