English / German / Russian
Corporate Criminal Law & Compliance - Corporate/M&A - Real Estate Law
Bilgeis Mamedova is Partner at ADVANT Beiten’s Moscow office and a member of the Commercial Practice Group. Her practice areas include real estate, commercial and contract law. Bilgeis has many years of experience in contract law ("crossborder" and "domestic"), as well as distribution on the Russian market. Bilgeis also handles issues on Project Finance, Localization and Production Setup in Russia. Specifically, Ms. Mamedova advises national and international clients on real estate transactions, the acquisition of rights to use real estate, and also conducts comprehensive legal due diligence.
Bilgeis studied law at Moscow State Law Academy and obtained a Master of Laws degree from the University of Bremen. She continued her Ph.D. studies at the Faculty of International Law of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO - University of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation). Bilgeis has been working with ADVANT Beiten since 2008 and was appointed Partner in 2015.
Long-term Investment Agreements: Legal and Tax Implications
Bilgeis Mamedova und Anna Lesova
in: AEB "How to invest in Russia", 11/2021
New SPIC 2.0 from the perspective of medium-sized companies
Bilgeis Mamedova
in: AEB "How to invest in Russia", 11/2020
Contract Law in Russia
Bilgeis Mamedova
in: Merkblatt IHK Duesseldorf, 9/2018
On the road from "Made in Germany" to “Made in Russia”
Bilgeis Mamedova
in: Impuls "Made in Russia" (for the MMM-Conference on 1 March 2018), 3/2018
Drafting contracts in Russia
Bilgeis Mamedova
in: Merkblatt IHK Duesseldorf, 6/2017
Special investment contracts
Bilgeis Mamedova
in: AEB "How to invest in Russia", 12/2017
Russia as a production site: Legal and tax regime for projects involving the siting of production facilities
Bilgeis Mamedova and Anna Lesova
in: IWB, 2017
Section on the Russian Federation
Bilgeis Mamedova and Falk Tischendorf
in: Handbuch des Vertriebsrechts, Hrsg. Martinek, Semler, Flohr, 4 edition 2016
An Overview of Russia - Current Legal Environment for the Automotive and Component Supplier Industry
Bilgeis Mamedova and Falk Tischendorf
in: Handelsblatt Journal, 05/2016
Legislation in the Russian Automotive Industry
Bilgeis Mamedova and Falk Tischendorf
in: Recht Automobil Wirtschaft, 01/2016
Effective risk management in Russia
Bilgeis Mamedova and Prof. Dr. Rainer Wedde
in: Ost-Ausschuss Informationen, 10+11/2015
En Route Towards Import Substitution
Bilgeis Mamedova and Julia Nabiullina
in: Russland aktuell, 4/2015, S. 8 f.
How to Invest in Russia 2014
Bilgeis Mamedova and Alexander Bezborodov
in: Compliance and distribution, 2014, S. 26 ff.
Lectures/Online Seminars:
Lecture "Overview of the current framework conditions for foreign companies in Russia", Ost-Auschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V., Meeting of the Country Working Group on Russia, Berlin, 30 March 2023
Online Seminar "RUSSIA: Current challenges & options for action", ICC Austria, Vienna, 7 March 2023
Online Seminar "RUSSIA: Current challenges & options for action", ICC Austria, Vienna, 8 September 2022
Lecture "Results and key trends in industrial policy: What can we expect and what has already been achieved?", AHK Conference "Annual Economic Forecast", Saint Petersburg, 27 January 2022
Online Seminar "Royalties are once again under the spotlight of the customs authorities", ADVANT Beiten CIS, Moscow, 19 May 2021
Lecture "Localisation of technology vs. localisation of production: Key aspects of localisation in the context of implementing the SPIC 2.0 mechanism", AEB Open meeting of the Working Group on Modernisation and Innovation, Moscow, 12 April 2021