

    IP created by the employee: A practical guide through a cross-border lens

    The ELA is teaming up with its Intellectual Property (IP) Specialty Group to offer a customized webinar for their audience. 


    Distinguished speakers, including our partner Christian Hess, will share their specialized expertise in the practice area of intellectual property and their extensive experience in assisting employers worldwide with their IP matters.


    During this webinar, attendees will gain practical insights on key areas of IP that all companies should consider when drafting employment agreements, including:


    • IP Ownership (Patents, Trade Secrets, Copyrights, etc.)
    • Drafting IP assignment provisions (Pitfalls, Do's and Don'ts)
    • Considerations for the employee location (Focus on cross-border collaborations)
    • Practical experiences / disputes (Case studies)


    For more information and registration, please visit the event website.