

    Date postponed: Breakfast Seminar Privacy Policy: Sanctions under the GDPR?

    Breakfast seminar privacy policy: If the authority rings the bell again - will we now be facing sanctions under the GDPR?


    The data protection authorities are being serious: in France, the supervisory authority imposes a fine of EUR 50 million on Google. The Berlin Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information has fined the real estate Group Deutsche Wohnen a total of EUR 14.5 million. But it does not only affect the big players. The data protection authorities have also already fined small and medium-sized enterprises. Will 2020 be the year of official sanctions regarding data protection?


    How does a company come into the focus of the supervisory authorities? Do the data protection authorities impose a fine for each infringement or are there other options to close a procedure? And how is a fine for a company calculated?


    In our breakfast seminar we will present you the course of such an administrative procedure. We discuss possible fine scenarios with you, using specific examples and show you how you can avoid or at least reduce fines.


    Further details and the opportunity to register can be found in the respective date entry below. We are looking Forward to seeing you there!


    Please note that the seminar will be held in german!