

    [Roundtable] Legal Working Group

    The Legal Working Group aims to provide a platform for qualified lawyers from the member companies to discuss current economic and legal topics in an informal yet confidential setting. The German Chamber of Commerce in China - North China aim to organize quarterly meetings together with a leading lawyer of the group, who changes on a yearly basis. Dr. Florian Kessler, LL.M. oec., Attorney-at-law and Managing Partner of WZR Beijing Ltd. will head the Working Group in 2019.


    The topic "China´s new Foreign Investment Law" will be introduced by our Partner Susanne Rademacher, Vice Chair of the German Chamber of Commerce – North China. Furthermore, Dr Kessler will provide an impulse for the further discussion of China´s recent income tax reform.


    The meeting will take place on Tuesday 28th May, 2019, at 6.30pm at the restaurant Fiume (39 Maizidian Xijie Chaoyang District 北京市朝阳区麦子店西街39号(近富时尚酒店).


    For registration and more information, please visit the eventwebsite.