

    Make your Leaders accountable, München

    With an introduction of Mr. Christian Bitsch, lawyer of Labour & Employment at BEITEN BURKHARDT. He will also present the discussion after the speach of Dr. Vince Molinaro.




    The stakes in leadership have always been high - but they are getting higher.

    At the very moment that we need our leaders to be truly great and accountable, we see many leaders who disappoint and fail us. Only 37% of organizations are satisfied with the level of leadership accountability demonstrated by their leaders. Other studies show that only 7 percent of employees currently have trust and confidence in their senior leaders to look out for their best interest.


    Learn more about:

    • How satisfied are you with the level of leadership accountability?

    • Has your organization clearly defined and communicated the leadership expectations to your leaders?

    • Do your leaders demonstrate a high degree of commitment to their role as leaders your organization clearly defined and communicated the leadership expectations to your leaders?

    • Is your organization also struggling to find the next generation of effective leaders?

    Think about these questions and take the chance to talk to Vince Molinaro who lays out the leadership pathway, a sure-fire blueprint to develop the leaders you need for today and tomorrow.


    Learn more about:

    • Implement an integrated set of steps to drive real leadership

    • Accountability

    • Tie all leadership development to business strategy

    • Get boards and executive teams to accept the responsibility to develop the next generation of leaders