

    Kooperationsveranstaltung: Argentina – a long awaited comeback, Berlin

    As most of you are aware, since December 2015 Argentina has had a new President, Mauricio Macri. He is a market friendly engineer who previously served successfully, for 8 years, as Mayor of the City of Buenos Aires.

    After 12 years of nationalization and restrictive policies that have isolated the country from the international trade and financial markets, the new Administration has already adopted a number of measures that are rapidly and effectively changing the business and investment climate, turning Argentina into “the new darling of the region”.

    On the occasion of the State visit of President Macri to Germany, we would like to invite you to a lecture by Michael R. Rattagan, an experienced business lawyer from RATTAGAN MACCHIAVELLO AROCENA, a leading Argentine law firm. A description will be offered of these changes and the perspectives for the future from a private sector view. A Q&A session will follow.

    The program will start on Wednesday, 6 July 2016 at 4.30 pm and is expected to last about 60 minutes.

    The presentation will be held in English.