

    Corporate Disputes in Russia: Key Legal Trends, Moscow

    We take pleasure in inviting you to our Business Breakfast in Moscow where our lawyers Anna Klimova and Alexander Bezborodov will address the key legal trends in corporate disputes in Russia.


    • Practice in collecting damages caused to the company from its corporate bodies (CEO, members of the executive board and board of directors) and controlling entities
    • Lifting the corporate veil: bringing beneficiary owners to account and disputing corporate decisions
    • Disputes on shareholder agreements: practice in challenging provisions and collecting losses and penalties
    • Revaluation of the actual value of interests/shares when a participant/shareholder withdraws, and buying up shares at the demand of shareholders
    • Procedural issues: consideration of corporate disputes in state courts of the Russian Federation
    • Resolution of corporate disputes at the International Commercial Arbitration Court of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

    This event shall take place in the Russian Language.

    Date of the English business breakfast: 18 May 2017, from 9.45 a.m. to 13.00 p.m.

    For more informations, please check the attached PDF documents down below.