

    Business Breakfast: Vertical agreements and coordination of business activities – Main legal trends, Moscow


    • Admissible and inadmissible vertical agreements and coordination of business activities: legislative amendments and development of regulatory practice;
    • What needs to be considered when structuring relations between sellers and customers/distributors, associations and their members: which actions and contractual provisions may lead to liability for violating antitrust legislation;
      Specific concerns for companies in a dominant market position when concluding vertical agreements
    • Liability of the company, its management, and its employees for concluding inadmissible vertical agreements and for prohibited coordination of business activities;
    • Prevention and reduction of the risk of being held liable: agreement on contracts with the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, adoption of rules of commercial practice (trade/commercial policy);
    • Preparations for the consideration of a case on liability for concluding inadmissible vertical agreements and for prohibited coordination of business activities.

    Date of the business breakfast in Russian:
    7 July 2016, from 9.45 to 13.00, address: Prospekt Andropova, 18, building 6, Moscow (conference-room of German Centre Moscow)