

    What`s new in German Labour Law - December 2021

    Our Labour Law Newsletter from December 2021 deals with the new Parliament and coalition agreement for Germany, the measurements regarding the Coronavirus and the COVID-19 case law of the German Labour Courts as well as court decisions and the upcoming work council elections.


    Topics in this issue are:


    In Focus


    • The Coalition Agreement from A to Z from a Labour Law Perspective
    • 3G Requirements in the workplace and a return to the pbligation to work from home
    • The "Corona Jurisprudence" - Storm in a Labour Law Teacup?
    • Ready for Digitalisation (BetriebsrÀtemodernisierungsgesetz)
    • Matrix Structures




    • Operational Risk and Lockdown
    • LAG Cologne: No Right to Claim continued employment in the case of a medical certificate that the employee is unable to wear a mask
    • LAG Dusseldorf: "Corona Cougher" as grounds for termination
    • Crowdworker
    • BAG: He who has suffered damage: The financial burgden of compliance investigations by external third parties
    • BAG: A disclaimer in an employment conteact forfeiting all claims invalid
    • Staff Secondments in Danger! Federal Labour Court appeals to the ECJ on the effectiveness of personnel assignments


    The articles and the news flash in the newsletter can be read here.