Amendments to the Code of Commercial Procedure of the Russian Federation (hereinafter the “Russian Code of Commercial Procedure”) entered into legal force from 5 January 20141.
We would like to point out here that the following key amendments should be duly considered in your work. They concern the filing of a statement of claim, the reimbursement of court costs, the calculation of procedural timeframes and other issues arising during the hearing of a case in a commercial court.
Amendments have been introduced to the lists of documents which must be attached to a statement of claim and a cassation appeal to the Judicial Panel of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation:
It is no longer necessary to attach to a statement of claim a copy of the certificate of state registration as a legal entity, as information from the certificate is contained in the excerpt from the Unified State Register of
When filing a statement of claim, an appeal, a cassation or supervisory appeal, a copy of a document on the legal education (university or equivalent) of the representative, a document certifying their status as an attorney, patent attorney, court-appointed bankruptcy manager or chief executive officer of the organisation must be attached.
The following key procedural timeframes have been increased by the amendments to the Russian Commercial Code of Procedure:
In order to reduce the burden on the commercial court system, petitions for the reimbursement of court costs will be considered according to the rules of simplified proceedings, in other words, without summoning the parties to a commercial court.
Another innovation allows the parties to a dispute being considered according to the rules of simplified proceedings to present their positions orally in the court session. This is an exception to the rule in instances when a commercial court is entitled on its initiative or further to a motion of the parties in the case, owing to the nature and complexity of a case, to conduct a court session, summoning the parties to the case, without moving to a hearing of the case according to the general rules of claims proceedings.
A similar amendment is stipulated for petitions for an indexation of awarded monetary amounts which will now be considered by a commercial court without the holding of a court session and without the notification of the parties in the case. Where necessary, a commercial court will be able to summon the parties in the case to the court session, after notifying them of the time and venue of the session.
The maximum claims to be considered according to the rules of simplified and summary proceedings have been increased:
Key amendments that should be considered:
A commercial court may send the information required to participate in an online court session electronically well in advance to the parties in a case (through the use of a web conferencing system).
If a commercial court dismisses a motion on participating in the online court session, the court must send information on such a dismissal, indicating the grounds for the decision.
The indicated amendment aims to incentivise the indicated method for participation in court sessions and expand its use.
Kind regards,