

    The Resolution of CIS-Related Business Disputes, Moscow

    Plenary Session: Navigating business disputes between Russian and US-EU companies in an era of heightened tensions

    Roundtable 1: Jurisdictional forum shopping in cases involving Russian/CIS parties: Winning the tug of war between your court and mine
    Roundtable 2: The interim relief provisions in the new Russian arbitration law – How are they working, and what’s different from the interim relief available in other jurisdictions?
    Roundtable 3: Strangers in a strange land? Tips for foreign litigants in Russian courts

    Roundtable 4: Investor-state arbitrations involving Russian/CIS investors and states:  What’s new and what’s next? 
    Roundtable 5: Prove it:  Effective strategies for collecting evidence in cross-border disputes
    Roundtable 6: Resolving shareholder disputes:  Strategic considerations for counsel and clients under the new Russian arbitration law

    Roundtable 7: Enforcement of Russian arbitral awards and judgments abroad: Dissecting the lessons of Maximov v. OJSC NLMK (with stops in Moscow, London, Paris and Amsterdam) and other recent cases.
    Roundtable 8: A landmark year for Russian jurisprudence – Lessons from the Transneft v. Sberbank, Tizpribor v. Vympelcom, and Rosneft v. Systema cases
    Roundtable 9: The intersection of criminal proceedings and cross-border business disputes: Effective tool for justice or abuse of process?

    Roundtable 10: Enhancing efficiency while retaining quality in international arbitral proceedings
    Roundtable 11: Property of the state?  Enforcement of judgments and arbitral awards against states and state-owned entities
    Roundtable 12: Cross-border restructuring and bankruptcy disputes with a Russian/CIS connection

    Closing Plenary Session: Master class on cross examination styles and techniques – A demonstrative session on what works and what doesn’t   

    Our expert Sergey Morozov will take part at the fifth Roundtable about effective strategies for collecting evidence in cross-border disputes.
    For registration please visit the event website.


    Hotel Moscow Marriott Novy Arbat
    New Arbat Ave 32
    121099 Moskau