

    The localization of manufacture in Russia 2015. Efficiency and relevance, Guangzhou

    This is the third forum organized by “Western Gate” Industrial Park for Chinese associations and enterprises. The previous forums were held in Guangzhou city and many companies which took part in those forums were able in practice to ensure in the effective participation in the event.

    Kamil Karibov is one of the speakers and talks about "The legal and tax aspects of the investment and the localization of production in Russia".

    The forum program:

    Welcome remarks by Councillor Mr. V. Danilov of Russian Consulate General in the city of Guangzhou.

    The legal and tax aspects of the investment and the localization of production in Russia.

    Kamil Karibov, Ph.D., Partner of the international law firm BEITEN BURKHARDT.

    Features of activity in the Kaliningrad region. Tax and customs privileges. The procedure of granting, migration policy.

    Meshalov Sergey, executive director of “Western Gate” Industrial Park.

    “Western Gate” Industrial Park as the universal mechanism for the manufacture growth and entering the market.

    Jury Vodolazsky, general director of “Western Gate” Industrial Park.


    Decreasing of transport costs through the use of new transportation routes.

    E. Polishuk, director of the logistics company “Rail Transit Ltd.”