

    International Conference: Current issues in relations between Russia and the European Union, Moscow

    Main areas of the discussion:

    • Current state of relations between Russian and the European Union;
    • The problem of sanctions in bilateral relations;
    • Cooperation between Russia and the European Union in the area of energy and trade;
    • Russia and the European Union in the face of the challenges of terrorism and illegal immigration;
    • Russia, the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union.


    • Y.A. Borko, Head of the European Union Documentation Center, Institute of Europe RAS
    • A.G. Branitsky, Professor, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
    • N.Y. Kaveshnikov, Head of the Department of European Integration Studies, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Leading Research Fellow, Institute of Europe RAS
    • Hubert Knirsch, Head of the Political Department, German Embassy in Moscow
    • Falk Tischendorf, Attorney-at-Law, Partner, Head of the Moscow Office of BEITEN BURKHARDT (TBC)
    • D.Y. Bazarkina, Associate Professor, Moscow State Pedagogical University
    • A.S. Aivazyan, postgraduate student, Institute of Europe RAS
    • I.A. Korobkov, postgraduate student, Institute of Europe RAS



    Institute of Europe Russian Academy of Science
    Mokhovaya Str. 11-3
    125009 Moscow