International Conference: Current issues in relations between Russia and the European Union, Moscow
Main areas of the discussion:
Current state of relations between Russian and the European Union;
The problem of sanctions in bilateral relations;
Cooperation between Russia and the European Union in the area of energy and trade;
Russia and the European Union in the face of the challenges of terrorism and illegal immigration;
Russia, the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union.
Y.A. Borko, Head of the European Union Documentation Center, Institute of Europe RAS
A.G. Branitsky, Professor, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
N.Y. Kaveshnikov, Head of the Department of European Integration Studies, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Leading Research Fellow, Institute of Europe RAS
Hubert Knirsch, Head of the Political Department, German Embassy in Moscow
Falk Tischendorf, Attorney-at-Law, Partner, Head of the Moscow Office of BEITEN BURKHARDT (TBC)
D.Y. Bazarkina, Associate Professor, Moscow State Pedagogical University
A.S. Aivazyan, postgraduate student, Institute of Europe RAS
I.A. Korobkov, postgraduate student, Institute of Europe RAS
Institute of Europe Russian Academy of Science Mokhovaya Str. 11-3 125009 Moscow