

    Overview of all support measures of the federal government and each individual federal state

    This article provides an overview of existing and planned federal and state financial support measures. The article also contains direct links to the relevant authorities and banks and is updated regularly.


    New aid packages for companies affected by the corona crisis are announced every day. Many ministries at both federal and state level promise to provide fast and non-bureaucratic financial aid. At the same time, companies sometimes do not always know who to contact and which formal requirements they have to fulfil in the application procedure. Because one thing is also clear: the federal and state governments will not distribute billions in aid across the country with a watering can. Companies must meet certain criteria in order to be eligible for state support. 


    This article provides an overview of existing and planned federal and state financial support measures and behavioural guidelines to minimise the impact on the enterprise and the workforce. In the article you will also find links to the relevant applications from banks and authorities. And the individual support programmes of the federal states are part of the article, too.


    If you need assistance or advice on your specific eligibility for funding or the possibility of a state participation in your company, please send us an by e-mail notice to


    You can read and download the entire document in the download area below.


    Dr Maximilian Degenhart