

    Russia: Protection of intellectual property

    Sanctions pressure on Russia, logistics difficulties, as well as reputational concerns have forced many manufacturers to leave the Russian market, close or sell their subsidiaries to management or third-party investors, and withdraw from licensing, franchising and other agreements granting the right to use intellectual property to Russian partners. Certain right holders are even ready to abandon Russian intellectual property completely.


    Abandoning the intellectual property itself or waiving the protection of it in Russia would be a rash decision that could cause Russia to become a “grey zone” beyond the control of the owner of the relevant intellectual property. There is no doubt that such a step would result in an increase in the number of counterfeit goods, Internet infringements, etc.


    In this brochure we have focussed on the key challenges that foreign right holders may face or are already facing in Russia in protecting their intellectual property and effective ways to address them.