Dr. Michael Matthiessen is Partner at ADVANT Beiten's Berlin office and member of the Labour Law practice group. His area of expertise comprises employment contract drafting, employee reduction measures as well as works constitution issues. He advises national and international employers especially concerning individual and collective conflicts.
Dr. Michael Matthiessen studied law at the University of Greifswald and was admitted to the German Bar in 2007. Furthermore, he has also been lecturer at the University of Greifswald since 2007. Dr Michael Matthiessen has been working with ADVANT Beiten since 2022.
Handbook of the law of sales
Eckert/Maifeld/Matthiessen, C.H. Beck, 2007, 2. ed. 2014
Soergel, Comment on BGB (directories)
W. Kohlhammer, 13./14. ed.
Exclusion periods under employment contracts
Matthiessen, Nomos, 2007
The draft of the Whistleblower Protection Act - Will it also apply to companies?
in: SPA (beck-online) 20/2022, p. 157 et seq.
Collective reference as a prerequisite for co-determination in working time measures
in: ZBVR-Online 2/2018
Tendering obligation and works council participation
in: ZBVR-Online 5/2015, 32
The works council's right to information in the case of individual personnel measures within the meaning of law § 99 sect. 1 BetrVG
in: ZBVR-Online 3/2013, 31
Formal requirements for refusal of consent by the staff council
in: ZfPR 3/2010, 73
Current case law of the BAG on co-determination in recruitment
in: ZBVR-Online 1/2010, 22
Formal requirements for refusal of consent by the works council
in: ZBVR-Online 9/2009, 24
Right of final decision of the supreme service authority in case of insufficient information of the staff committee? Note to the BVerwG, decision of 10.02.2009, file no. 6 PB 25.08
in: ZfPR Online 3/2009, 3
Assertion of claims by way of action to preserve a two-stage preclusion period by means of an action for protection against dismissal - change in case law of the BAG
in: NZA 2008, 1165
The treatment under remuneration law of previous periods of work as a "doctor in training" within the scope of the TV doctors
in: MedR 2008, 492
Exclusion periods in employment contracts and the prohibition of clauses of § 309 no. 7 BGB
in: NZA 2007, 361
Wrong date for termination - From when does the three-week period for filing a complaint apply?
in: AuA 2005, 208
Working time regulations contrary to European law - treatment and legal consequences against the background of the Pfeiffer decision des EuGH
in: DB 2005, 106
Effectiveness of exclusion clauses in collective agreements and employment contracts after the reform of the law of obligations
in: DB 2004, 1366
Inclusion of leased business real estate in the calculation basis for the remuneration of the preliminary insolvency administrator
in: ZInsO 2003, 847
The claim of the insolvency administrator of the tour operator to the customer money booked with the travel agency
in: RRa 2003, 98