Dr Marc-Oliver Srocke is Partner at ADVANT Beiten's Hamburg office and member of the IP/IT/Media practice group. He advises and represents publishers and media companies (print and online publishers, radio and TV stations), in particular in the fields of press law, copyright and publishing law and industrial property rights.
Dr Marc-Oliver Srocke studied law at the University of Frankfurt am Main and was admitted to the German Bar in 2005. In 2008 he awarded a doctorate at the University of Marburg on a copyright issue. He has been a licensed specialist for copyright and media law since 2010. Before joining ADVANT Beiten in 2020, Mr. Srocke worked as a media lawyer for a Hamburg IP Boutique.
The industry journal JUVE lists Dr Mar-Oliver Srocke as a leading name in the representation of publishers.
”excellent, passionate”, ”absolute expert in investigative journalism”, competitor
Dr. Marc-Oliver Srocke is listed as a "Leading Individual" in the legal field of media (press and publishing law).
"Dr. Marc-Oliver Srocke is extremely competent and pragmatic in his collaboration. He is very successful, including on constitutional issues, and is also totally likeable."
The industry journal JUVE lists Dr Mar-Oliver Srocke as frequently recommended lawyer in the fields of Media Law and Press Law and as a leading name in the representation of publishers.
"there is no better lawyer for publishers";
"professional, top on the legal side and fun to argue with";
"one of the best, no matter which law firm";
"particularly experienced", competitors
"Dr. Oliver Srocke and Dr. Holger Weimann are highly qualified and exemplary in terms of cooperation and processing"
"fantastic", Client
"a tenacious, very accomplished, fierce opponent", Competitor
Das Abstraktionsprinzip im Urheberrecht
GRUR 2008, 867;
Anonymitätsschutz für „Pick-Up Artists?“
Kommunikation und Recht 2016, 163;
Allgemeines Persönlichkeitsrecht: Kein Ende in Sicht,
Kommunikation und Recht 2017, 1;
Haftung der Medien für geklauten Content
AfP 2017, 1;
Haftung für internettypische Weiterverbreitungen
IT-Rechtsberater 2017, 61;
Die Konfrontation des Betroffenen im Vorfeld einer Verdachtsberichterstattung
AfP 2018, 291;
Prozessuale Waffengleichheit, Kommunikation und Recht 2019
Heft 7-8, Beilage, 33-37;
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