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Corona Crisis: EU State Aid Decisions for Germany

The following article presents the current decisions of the European Commission in EU state aid law during the corona crisis for the German legal sphere.

Update of 14  April 2020:

ŸCommission proposal to extend the Temporary Framework for State aid to recapitalisation measures of 9 April 2020
ŸApproval of the amendments to the federal regulations "Small Grants 2020" and "Loans 2020" to further support the economy after the Corona outbreak of 11 April 2020

ŸApproval of the guarantee scheme to stabilise the domestic commercial credit insurance market during the coronavirus pandemic of 14 April 2020


A. Development of EU state aid law in the corona crisis

I. Temporary framework for state aid to support the economy in view of the current COVID-19 outbreak

By decision dated 19 March 2020 (C(2020) 1863 final), the European Commission adopted a "Temporary framework for state aid to support the European economy in response to the current COVID-19 outbreaker". The measures presented are a supplement to the already existing possibilities under state aid law. The Temporary Framework is initially valid until 31 December 2020. The option of a possible extension will then be examined by the Commission.

By decision dated 27 March 2020 (C(2020) 2044 final), the Commission decided to tempo-rarily remove all countries from the list of countries with "marketable risks" annexed to the Communication on short-term export-credit insurance. This modification will in principle allow public insurers to offer insurance cover for short-term export credit risks for all countries without the need for the member state concerned to demonstrate that the risks are tempo-rarily "non-marketable" in the country concerned. This is intended to increase the availability of state short-term export credit insurance.

You can download the whole document below.

Christopher Theis

Ramona Tax


Corona Crisis EU State Aid Decisions for Germany_BEITEN BURKHARDT.pdf
