Dear Readers,
The pace of innovation in the energy sector has not slowed down. The shift to renewable energies continues to be pushed on with much vigour on several legislative fronts. This becomes evident, for instance, when looking at the "10-Point Energy Agenda" of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the second update of which was published earlier this year.
The second draft Renewable Energies Act 2016 is also currently causing quite a stir, defining the future support scheme for renewable energies. With a slight delay, the revision of the incentives regulation gathers momentum as well. We also introduce the draft Energy and Electricity Transparency Act that will predominantly affect electricity and energy information and transparency duties.
In addition to highlighting the future legal framework, we inform you on the latest administrative and judicial developments. This issue presents new decisions of the European Court of Justice, the German Constitutional, Supreme and Fiscal Courts as well as current initiatives of the German Network Agency and the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators.
We hope to offer you an informative read. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, feedback or suggestions you may have.
The newsletter is available in German only.