

    Newsletter International Briefing, May 2018

    Dear reader,


    Welcome to our May 2018 edition of our International Briefing.


    We have compiled a broad array of topics of interest to international business, with contributions from many of our practice groups, ranging from Corporate Law to IP/IT to Real Estate.


    We hope that you will find the information provided helpful in your daily business. For many of us, international business and international trade is of major importance; we need to remember this in times, when the term "international" sometimes draws ire and criticism.


    With summer and the World Cup (the most important sports event for the world of football/soccer) around the corner, we wish you the opportunity to enjoy at least a few moments of leisure and a couple

    of good games! We already look forward to seeing many of you at the IBA Conference in Rome!


    Best regards,

    Prof. Dr Hans-Josef Vogel